The Programme
The Landscape and Environment Programme was established in September 2005 with the appointment by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Professor Stephen Daniels as Programme Director. The Directorate was formed with the appointment of a Programme Coordinator and was based in the School of Geography at the University of Nottingham. The £5.5 million transdisciplinary Programme initially ran from September 2005 to December 2010 but continued throughout the Director's Impact Fellowship (2011-13) with the addition of a Research Fellow.
The Programme incorporated a wide range of funding opportunities, including large and small research projects, networks, workshops and studentships. A further associated network call 'Researching Environmental Change' was made in 2009 with the successfully funded projects running for a year from summer 2010.
For more details please see the Programme's research pages.
Scope and themes
Landscape and environment are currently of compelling cultural significance, as fields of scholarly research, sites of artistic creativity and arenas of public concern. As both imaginative representations and material realities, landscape and environment matter as a medium for the expression of complex ideas and feelings, about beauty, belonging, access to resources, relations with nature, the past and the future, making sense of the world and people's place in it. Such concerns are topical, but they are not new. In the mind and on the ground, landscape and environment are conditioned historically by sometimes far reaching cultural forms and processes, and in complex patterns and structures which demand a range of disciplinary perspectives to understand them.
The aim of the Programme was to advance knowledge, critically and creatively, of the cultural forms and processes shaping, and shaped by, landscape and environment. It broke new ground in bringing together researchers from a wide range of disciplines and approaches (including those for whom practice is integral to the research) to address the changing ways landscapes and environments have been imagined, experienced, designed, made and managed, and in communicating research findings to a wide audience.
The Programme extended the scope and deepened the focus of enquiry by examining landscapes and environments articulated in words, pictures, performance, patterns of building and cultivation and in forms of conduct and livelihood. It did so for a range of historical periods and places, and in a dialogue with current debates on landscape and environment in the public domain. Research of the highest quality, inventively conceived, rigorously pursued, imaginatively produced and well disseminated, has enriched understandings of landscape and environment at all levels.

The Landscape and Environment Programme was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Stephen, Charlotte and Lucy at Alkborough Flats, Lincs., 2011. 
The Programme directorate was based at The University of Nottingham in the School of Geography.
Programme Director
Stephen Daniels
Programme Coordinator
Charlotte Lloyd
Director's Impact Fellowship Research Fellow, 2011-13
Lucy Veale
Research Assistants
Oliver Dunnett (Jan-Mar 2012)
Lowri Jones (Nov 2013-Jul 2014)
The Steering Committee
The Programme's steering committee, which met twice a year, included academics and non-HEI professionals from across the arts and humanities.
Professor John Rink (Chair)
Music, University of Cambridge
Professor David Austin
Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Wales, Lampeter
Professor Anne Boddington
Arts and Architecture, University of Brighton
Dr Ben Cowell
Assistant Director, External Affairs, The National Trust
Professor Poul Holm
Academic Director, Trinity College, Dublin
Dr Edward Impey
Director of Research and Standards Group, English Heritage
Professor Anne Janowitz
English and Drama, Queen Mary, University of London
Professor Philip Lowe
Rural Economy and Land Use Programme (Research Councils UK)
Professor Mike Pearson
Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Dr Martin Postle
The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London
Professor Richard Rodger
History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh
Project Associates
All larger grant projects, studentships and networks had a Steering Committee member associate to provide a link between the AHRC and the projects.
List of project associates