University of Nottingham

Networks and Workshops

The Landscape and Environment programme's Networks and Workshops scheme supported successful applicants to run either a series of workshops over one year (up to £15,000 full economic cost, or a network of researchers over two years (up to £30,000 full economic cost) to enable researchers to share ideas and develop collaborative proposals or publications, and to support engagement between scholars in the UK and beyond, and between scholars and other stakeholders. These grants have supported projects that addressed the specific research objectives and themes of the Landscape and Environment programme. The projects covered a range of subjects including the art and culture of British landscape, focusing on the medieval to modern periods and the implications of international travel and mobility for environmental awareness and experience.

These project research pages outline the main achievements of the networks and workshops, many of which have had impacts outside of the academy and created long-term relationships and research projects beyond their original timeframes.




Landscape and Environment Programme

School of Geography
University Park
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 66071