Jones, S.E., Hunt, C.O. and Reimer, P.J. (2014) 'A late Pleistocene record of environmental change from the northern and southern Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo', Journal of Quaternary Science 29: 105–122.
Janowski, M. (2013). Tuked Rini: Cosmic traveller from the Heart of Borneo. (Kuching and Copenhagen: Sarawak Museum and Nordic Institute for Asian Studies.)
Janowski, M., Barton, H., and Jones S. (2013). Culturing the rainforest: the Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, in Kathy Morrison and Suzanne Hecht (eds) The Social Life of Forests. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press.)
Jones, S.E., Hunt, C.O. and Reimer, P.J. (2013) 'Forest disturbance, arboriculture and the adoption of rice in the Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo', The Holocene 23 (11): 1528-1546
Jones, S.E., Hunt, C.O. and Reimer, P.J. (2013). A 2300 year record of sago and rice use from the southern Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, The Holocene 23(5): 708-720.
Ewart, I. J. (2013) Designing by doing: building bridges in the highlands of Borneo, in W. Gunn, T. Otto and R. Smith (eds.) Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice, pp. 85-99. (Oxford: Berg.)
Janowski, M. (2012) Imagining the force(s) of life and the cosmos in the Kelabit Highlands, in M. Janowski and T. Ingold (eds) (2012) Imagining Landscapes, Past Present and Future, pp.143-163. (London: Ashgate)
Janowski, M. (2011) Rice beer and social cohesion in the Kelabit Highlands, Sarawak, W. Schiefenhovel & Helen Macbeth (eds) Fluid Bread, pp. 183-195. (Oxford and New York: Berghahn.)
A full list of project publications is available to download here.